E-commerce is touted as offering new and advantageous opportunities for women. But what do WTO e-commerce negotiations really hold for women’s rights?...
Human Rights Impact Assessment
New findings on distributional impacts of trade: a human rights response
The World Bank’s recently-published report on the distributional impact of trade is welcome; all the more so that it says what we in the human rights community have long known: benefits of trade are distributed unequally, creating winners and losers.
Improving consistency between trade and human rights
States tend to ratify new trade agreements with little heed for their human rights obligations. Impact assessment can help ensure consistency between these two bodies of law.
Accord de libre-échange AELE-Mercosur: qui en profite?
La négociation d'un accord commercial entre l’AELE et le Mercosur a suscité de l'inquiétude quant aux impacts de l'accord sur la forêt amazonienne et les...