Analysées du point de vue des droits humains, ni les sciences économiques ni la pratique économique sont à la hauteur des défis sociaux et environnementaux...
Human rights economics
What is Human Rights Economics?
Towards an economic system that is just for people and respectful of the planet, that promotes social and economic justice, that integrates a plurality of views and traditions and that is human rights-consistent in both its processes and outcomes.
Human rights economics: a conceptual, strategic and advocacy challenge
Why do we not have a human rights economics? Feminists have articulated a concept of feminist economics which is broadly recognized and which has infused many...
New findings on distributional impacts of trade: a human rights response
The World Bank’s recently-published report on the distributional impact of trade is welcome; all the more so that it says what we in the human rights community have long known: benefits of trade are distributed unequally, creating winners and losers.